Ashes of Anduril is a guild built around friendship and mutual respect. If you have a disagreement with a member, talk about it in a calm and civil manner, preferably through whispers. Do not ignore fellow members and do not disrespect each other or resort to name calling. Remember, we are a family.
If you need something, ask politely. Guildies are here to help, but please do not beg. Do not spam the guild chat if you need people for a raid or party, it is not a public "looking-for-group" channel.
Do not curse, use vulgar/offensive language or make racist/sexist remarks in any public chat (including server-wide channels, say, etc). In general, try to be mindful at all times.
Act civil in-game. Do not camp low-level characters. Do not cheat or break server rules. Do not ninja-loot in raids and do not attempt to scam players in any way.
Always remember that as a member of our guild you represent <Ashes of Anduril> as a whole. Your actions reflect on the entire guild. If your behavior, either private or public, is not in-line with the guild's philosophy, be prepared for a warning, or even a swift removal.
Raiding and rolling
If you sign up for a raid in advance, you are expected to show up. If you cannot for some reason, inform the raid leader at least 24 hours before the raid starts.
Read up on appropriate tactics prior to the raid if necessary. Be sure to have fully repaired armor and bring plenty of any reagents you might need.
Always follow the raid leader's instructions. Don't start duels or do anything else which might slow down the raid.
Do not go "away-from-keyboard" without notice and certainly do not suddenly log off during a raid. If you absolutely must leave early, let the raid leader know before the raid starts. If the server disconnects you are expected to come back online as soon as possible.
Usually bosses will be master looted. The raid leader announces the items to be rolled on one at a time. Only roll on items for ONE SPEC at a time during each raid. If an item is not needed by anyone, then rolls can be made for secondary specs.